Due to the important nature of the jail and police cases we handle at Budge & Heipt, our cases are frequently featured in the news. In addition, journalists and reporters often seek to interview our attorneys about our views on civil rights violations, including wrongful death or catastrophic injury by police or in jail or prison. Please take some time to read about our firm and our attorneys in the news, and review our blog to learn more about our firm and issues surrounding the cases we take. If you are a member of the media looking to connect with a member of our firm, please contact media@budgeandheipt.com.
A lawsuit filed by Budge & Heipt for the death of Larry Price in the Sebastian County, Arkansas jail is gaining national attention. The following in-depth article by Newsweek Magazine profiles the case, which was filed in the United States District Court on January 13, 2023. From Newsweek Magazine, January 13, 2023: ————————————————— Starved to […]
Budge & Heipt has achieved an historic jury verdict in the amount of $26.75 million — an amount believed to be the largest jury verdict of its kind for the death of a jail inmate against a private correctional healthcare company. The jury verdict, levied against the Alabama-based corporation called NaphCare, Inc. is the first […]
The Seattle Times has reported on a $3.75 million settlement obtained by Budge & Heipt arising from the medical neglect of a prisoner in Washington State. The case involves the medical neglect of Kenny Williams after his repeated pleas for medical help went unaddressed. From the February 23, 2022 edition of the Seattle Times: —————————————————————— […]
The Seattle Times is reporting on a $3 million settlement obtained by Budge & Heipt during a jury trial for the wrongful death a Washington state prison inmate. From the November 22, 2021 Seattle Times: ————————————————————————– Washington to pay $3 million settlement in alleged prison slaying after DOC ignored warnings about violent cellmate Nov. 22, […]
The Louisville Courier Journal has reported on a jail death case being investigated by Budge & Heipt. The case involves the death of Joshua McLemore, a 29-year old man who died approximately 19 days after he was first confined in the Jackson County Jail in Indiana. From the Louisville Courier Journal, September 1, 2021: ———————————————————————— […]
The Seattle Times has reported on a lawsuit being brought by Budge & Heipt on behalf of the Estate of Kenny Williams — a Washington DOC inmate who died of cancer despite his repeated pleas for treatment. From the Seattle Times — April 30, 2021: ——————————————— Washington Department of Corrections faces $10 million lawsuit over […]
The Tacoma News Tribune is reporting on a seven-figure settlement obtained by Budge & Heipt for a man shot in the knee during a police raid. From the Tacoma News Tribune, November 28th 2020: Man unjustifiably shot during SWAT raid gets seven-figure settlement from Pierce County By Josephine Peterson Pierce County will pay $1.25 million […]
The Washington Post has reported on a lawsuit filed by Budge & Heipt arising from the death of an inmate named Holly Barlow-Austin following her confinement in a privatized jail run by a company known as LaSalle Corrections. From The Washington Post — September 19, 2020: Woman with HIV denied water, medication in Texas jail […]
The New York Times is reporting on a case being handled by the lawyers at Budge & Heipt. The case, brought in federal court against a private jail company known as LaSalle Corrections, involves in 2019 death of Holly Barlow-Austin. From the New York Times, September 17, 2020: For-Profit Jail Is Accused of Abuse After […]
Public awareness of the potential dangers associated with so-called “spit hoods” is increasing in light of the recent death of Daniel Prude in Rochester, New York. A recent article by the Washington Post features an interview with attorney Ed Budge, who discusses the use of spit hoods by police and the firm’s experience handling cases […]
If you or a loved one has been a victim of serious injury and/or death at the hands of police or in jail or prison, tell us about your case.